Dynamic voltage restorer DVR
Active power filter APF
Static var generator SVG
Unified power quality conditioner UPQC
Low-voltage dynamic reactive compensation device TSF
Hybrid compensation filter device TAPF/TSVG
High voltage reactive compensation device HFC
High-voltage static var generator SVG
High-voltage hybrid reactive compensation and filtering device SVG+HFC
Variable frequency drive voltage restorer DC-BANK/VFDVR
Unbalanced governance device SPC
Voltage regulating high voltage reactive power automatic compensation device VKC
Other electric energy quality products
Power conversion system PCS
Energy router Erouter
LC compensation unit DTC DTL
Monitoring terminal
Capacitor switch
Active power filter PQF
New generation active power filter PQactiF
Inductive generator for hybrid compensation PQflexC
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Changes the compensation capacity of the capacitor group by changing the terminal voltage
2-51 harmonic full compensation, full compensation and fractional compensation flexible setting; Independent air duct, layered design; Modular design, building block installation
Maintain Real-Time High Power Factor Operation of the System
High-power thyristors and zero-crossing switching technologyReal-time and fast compensation of fundamental reactive power of the system, while taking into account filtering
Low-cost, large-capacity, dynamic continuous smooth compensation reactive powerDiversity of active compensation functions
Improve the power factor of the system, filter out harmonics, improve the quality of the power grid, reduce the loss of transformers and lines, and effectively improve the stability of the power supply system
The reactive power compensation system with IGBT as the core can provide capacitive or inductive reactive power in rapid and continuous succession
The high-voltage FC is used as the basic compensation, and the SVG is adjustedRealize smooth adjustment of load reactive power
Immune to voltage sags, surges, short-term
interruptions, multi-power switching
Ensure the voltage quality of sensitive loads
Flexible exit, isolated output
Escort DC loads (inverters)Small size, low cost advantages
Peak shaving and valley filling, solar storage/wind storage, peak shaving/frequency regulationOff-grid power backup, virtual capacity increase, flexible power grid, microgrid
The core device of the energy InternetIt can realize the input, output, conversion and storage of different energy carriers
DTC capacitorDTL reactorDTLC capacitor reactance compensation unit
Power factor controllerMicrocomputer protectorPower quality integrated controller
High-power intelligent switching deviceLow-power intelligent switching deviceAutomatic switching device
Harmonic control for different occasions
Infinitely reactive power compensation for inductive and capacitive loads is possible
It can form a capacitor cabinet with a capacitor bank to realize stepless power factor control
Analysis and solution of semiconductor power quality problems
Data center power quality problem analysis and solution
Analysis and solution of photovoltaic power quality problems
Analysis and solution of automotive power quality problems
Analysis and solution of iron and steel metallurgical power quality problems
Analysis and solution of petrochemical power quality problems
Analysis and solution of municipal power quality problems
Analysis and solution of power quality problems in power grids
Analysis and solution of water treatment power quality problems
Analysis and solution of power quality problems in manufacturing